Welcome to the journées de l'Action Spécifique ALMA (ASA) website
The Action Spécifique ALMA (ASA) organises a two days workshop on Nov 12 and 13, 2013. This workshop will take place in Grenoble, on the Université Joseph Fourier campus in Saint-Martin d'Hères. This workshop has several objectives:
Identify Planck/Herschel follow-ups observation projects with ALMA and NOEMA
Think about the complementarity between ALMA and NOEMA and how to make the best use of the two instruments
Think about the complementarity between ALMA and observatories operating at wavelenghts
This workshop will be organized in three sessions: solar and extrasolar systems, galactic, et extragalactic. Each of these session will include invited taks and contributed talks. An introduction session will also present ALMA, but also NOEMA and other intrumental projects at IRAM.
In addition to this workshop, the IRAM ALMA Regional Center (ARC) node organizes on November 14th a one day workshop workhop dedicated to ALMA Cycle 2. Available observing modes and software tools will be presented. The deadline for ALMA Cycle 2 proposals is December 5, 2013.